We need your support to be able to continue to cover the Kivu region

It feels a bit strange to ask You to help us to keep on covering the Kivu provinces. But we want to keep our independence by writing our analyses and producing our video reports. Working as a freelancer is becoming more and more difficult given the fact that prices for news pictures and videos have gone done compared to the past. We are not financed by any government or political lobby group. We want to remain our own bosses.
That’s why we want to try out this crowdfunding formula: we need Your support to produce a couple of pilot video reports in which we will background information about the current events in North- and South-Kivu. As always, we will also keep on updating this blog with the info we are able to collect. Help us to look trough the propaganda of the fighting parties in this region and help us to visualize and to analyze the vibes and the suffering of the simple Congolese citizens who are currently living in a nightmare.
Please have a look at this Indiegogo campaign, share it with friends and send us questions if you have any.

Thanks in advance,
Marc Hoogsteyns, Kivu Press